Wednesday 13 May 2015

Media Ownership and Consolidation

It is shocking just how entirely unsafe the internet actually is, did you know that you can buy credit card numbers online for $1 apiece as well as buy identities via internet chatting sites. The internet is full of unsafe terrifying things, you can hire a hit man, buy drugs and basically get away with literally murder if you know the right or in this case wrong places to look. If you're scared about your personal information that is currently floating through the internet, that's good, because you should be. Many websites like focus on safety through privacy for internet users which is very important. However, in the vastness that is the internet how could you ever possibly be safe? There are many websites on the internet dedicated to anonymity. In fact, these websites are where the shadiest internet things happen. In order to gain anonymity completely you must download a certain internet browser and through this browser you can access websites which support illegal activity. This was shocking to me because you can literally order a hit on someone using bitcoins. Which is a peer to peer technology that operates with no central authority or banks. Mining for bitcoins is an extensive process on its own which requires extensive knowledge of computers, or at least having a computer that can stand all the downloads. This is not something I have much knowledge on, it simply shocks me to know it exists at all or that any of the dark things on the internet are possible. Consent of the Networked is a book written by Rebecca MacKinnon, it is based on facts from the United States but however can still pertains to everyone because it highlights key points such as the desire for security, yet still gaining entertainment from the internet. She also highlights how the government cares more about copyright than the privacy and safety of it's own people.

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